On Tuesday, February 7, 2012, the Wall Street Journal wsj.com had a great article entitled, "Boeing Teams Speed Up 737 Output." The link for this article is: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203436904577155204034907744.html?KEYWORDS=David+Kesmodel Boeing Teams Speed Up 737 Output Jet Maker's Innovation Crews Search for Ways to Streamline Production as Aircraft Demand Soars By DAVID KESMODEL RENTON, Wash.—As Boeing Co. strives to lift production of its best-selling 737 jetliner to meet surging airline demand, it is turning to workers like Jay Dohrmann to streamline work. Mr. Dohrmann, a brawny, 46-year-old engineer at the 737 plant here, is part of an extensive effort the company has underway to rally employees for ways to make its jets more efficiently and avoid expanding its factories and its costs. These innovation teams are growing as Boeing seeks to increase output of the narrow-body, workhorse plane by as much as 71%. ...