I remember many years ago when I was doing a project for an advertising agency in New York City and we were told not to have any dealings with "those creative types." This agency was then known as the world's largest and the most successful. The client was referring to the people who created the adverts that we see on TV, in print ads, and so forth. These people, at that time, had offices that were literal castles to their own design. One person's office was only made up of futons. No desk, nothing else. Another was painted chartreuse. Another was filled with various gaming machines that you would find in a gaming arcade. In those days, this all seemed very very strange to me, and I couldn't wrap my mind around how this kind of environment could help anyone do their job, let along help this company with their productivity. Fast forward to today where you see in many companies, whole parts of their facilities set aside for such things as places for the w