Yesterday, I posted a piece about reduced work hours and their effect on productivity and human performance. Also yesterday, I received from a very good friend his daily post on his blog, "In Deep Schiste" about the cultural tradition in France of the extended lunch break. Chris is a journalist formerly from the United Kingdom who now lives in southern France. These lunches are typically held from 12:30pm to 2:00pm. Other countries do similar things. I have seen it in effect in France, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic and in other countries. It is called "siesta" in the south. Typically a large lunch and a short nap were/are the tradition. The government in France even went so far as barring workers from eating at their desks to encourage this tradition of eating out. There are statistics which seem to prove that this lengthened lunch leads to higher productivity. The pandemic has put all of this in disarray. But per Chris's post, tradition seems to be re