It was decades ago that I was in grammar school. Things were significantly different then than they are now. Of course computers and smart phones were not even in our line of sight as they are today. I am not questioning the digital revolution one whit, as I believe it is integral to our growth as people, our growth as an economy as well as our growth globally. But I am dismayed by our departure from grammar school years of some of the basics that we used to go through. I remember one class in particular in 7th grade (about age 12) called Home Economics, in which both the boys and girls had to take. It was a school year long class and included cooking, sewing, electricity and plumbing. We all had to learn how to cook some basic foods and as part of the class had to cook a hot lunch for ourselves. And I am not talking about just opening a can or defrosting something. I already knew how to pretty much do all of that because I liked to cook at home. We began the electricity segme