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The Middle East Crisis and Productivity

We have all seen what is happening with the various uprisings going on in Egypt, Yemen, Iran, Bahrain, and other countries in the Middle East.  None of this should surprise any of us, if we truly understand the power of the Internet and the power of Social Media.  Now you ask what does this have to do with productivity.  Great question.  Imagine if you will, if this kind of power could be turned to improving your marketing, and your sales efforts.  What about with your internal communications to all the people who work with you, your shareholders (if appropriate), your vendors, your customers and so forth.  But you have to be willing at the same time to listen to what is being said, to take action, to listen to the dissenting voices and be prepared to take serious actions, if required,  That takes formidable leadership.  Are you prepared?? 

If you are prepared, then the productivity increases which then can translate into revenue and profitability increases are probably significant.  If you are not prepared, in my opinion, you will suffer the same fate, only in different ways, that some of the leaders in the Middle East are facing or have faced recently.



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