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Starting Back Up On The Road Again!!

Whether or not you agree with the reopening of the economies in your state or country, it seems to be a coming reality.  Ultimately that means that at some point now or in the future, you will probably begin to be back on the road again.  Zoom'ing may exist but those who have worked in most businesses, know that being able to look your client in the eye is still the best way to do business.

So, in preparation of being back on the road, the following article appeared in the Wall Street Journal on cleaning your hotel room.  Now most of us would think that the hotel would do that; some will do a great job, some will do an average job and some will do a sub-par job.  We all at one time or another have been in a 4 or 5 star hotel and still found a situation of less than the cleanliness we expected.

So to provide you with some thoughts on this subject, I thought this article was timely.

You must be the judge of what to do or not.  It seems from some of the stories of the suffering people have been going through during the Covid crisis, I personally would prefer to be on the safe side and follow this advice as well as may safety on an airplane, train or bus.  Be Safe, be healthy and be sane.


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